Simplifying Real Estate Title Registration Using Ethereum Blockchain

Simplifying Real Estate Title Registration Using Ethereum Blockchain

I made this project during a course (Udacity BLockchain Nanodegree). I did the course because it was for free if I complete it within 30 days which I was able to do it 🥳.

Github link : Click here to see the GitHub repo

I created custom ERC721 token for this project and used the following tech:

Truffle: I used truffle webpack to skip writting boilerplate code. It is super useful comes with sample artifacts and also with some web3 code. Which made the project development much faster and easier.

Infura: It’s a super usefull tool if you want to develop for ethereum blockchain since it saves all the toruble of downloading the complete chain to your machine and it becomes a api call. It will save lot of space in your machine.

Opensea: Opensea is like amazon in which we can sell/buy goods using digital tokens like ethereum. I used opensea so that exchange can happen with my custom ERC721 token. Its a good platform to test your tokens on ethereum blockchain.

Also used metamask for web3 injection 😜.